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The Best Running Leggings Find Your Perfect Pair

av Emmanuel Odei 12 Dec 2023 0 Kommentarer
The Best Running Leggings Find Your Perfect Pair

Table of Contents

  • What to Look for in Running Leggings

  • Fabric

  • Sweat-Wicking

  • Comfort

  • Fit

  • Pockets

  • Reflection

Finding the Perfect Pair for Your Running Style

  • Short Runs

  • Long Distance Runs

  • Trail Running

  • Winter Runs

  • Speed Work

If you're a runner, you know the struggle of thigh chafing all too well. The constant rubbing and redness that occurs when your bare thighs slap together can be incredibly uncomfortable. That's where running leggings come in. These sleek and fitted pants provide a silky, seamless barrier between your thighs, eliminating the dreaded chafing. But that's not all they offer. Running leggings also provide compression to support tired muscles, wick away sweat, and allow for a full range of motion. Plus, they can be more comfortable for some people compared to shorts. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that leggings are a staple in every runner's wardrobe.

To help you find the perfect pair of running leggings, we've enlisted the expertise of Kelli Sullivan, a RRCA-certified run coach and STRIDE Fitness instructor. She shares her insights on what to look for in running leggings and offers recommendations for different running styles. So whether you're going for a short run, tackling a long distance, hitting the trails, or running in winter, we've got you covered.

What to Look for in Running Leggings

When shopping for running leggings, there are a few key factors to consider. Sullivan recommends paying attention to the fabric, sweat-wicking capabilities, comfort, fit, pockets, and reflective details.


Comfort and performance should be your top priorities when it comes to choosing running leggings. Today's technical fabrics feel like a second skin and allow you to forget you're wearing anything at all. Look for leggings that have at least 15 to 20 percent spandex or elastane blended into nylon or polyester. This combination provides the perfect balance of compression, stretch, and sweat-wicking properties.


Sweat-wicking materials are essential for running leggings. These fabrics pull sweat away from your body and to the surface of the fabric, where it can evaporate quickly. Look for "quick dry" fabrics and technology that ensure your leggings stay dry and comfortable throughout your run.


A wide waistband is crucial for comfort. It should sit comfortably at your natural waist without pinching, gaping, or sliding down. Some leggings also have a drawcord at the waist, which helps provide a secure fit and prevent them from sliding down mid-run.


The length of your leggings will depend on the weather and your personal preference. Full-length styles are ideal for cooler temperatures, while capri-length works well for warmer weather. Choose a length that suits your needs and allows for easy movement.


If you like to run with your phone, keys, or cards, deep pockets are essential. Some leggings even have zippered pockets, which are great for trails and longer runs. Make sure your leggings have enough storage space to hold your essentials securely.


Safety should always be a priority when running, especially if you're running at dawn or dusk. Look for leggings with reflective strips or patterns that stretch from the ankle up to the knees or hips. These reflective details will make you visible to drivers when car headlights hit them, keeping you safe on the road.

Finding the Perfect Pair for Your Running Style

In addition to the above factors, the type of running you do will also influence the style of leggings you choose. Here's a quick guide from Sullivan to help you pick the perfect pair for your running style:

Short Runs

For short runs, basic leggings with good sweat-wicking capabilities and a comfortable waistband will suffice.

Long Distance Runs

When tackling long distances, opt for leggings with targeted compression areas to support tired muscles. Reflective details and pockets for storing essentials are also important.

Trail Running

Invest in leggings made from abrasion-resistant fabric for trail running. These leggings will withstand the rough terrain and protect your legs from scratches and scrapes.

Winter Runs

Winter runs require extra warmth. Look for fleece-lined leggings that provide insulation against the cold.

Speed Work

If you're doing speed work, lightweight and minimalist leggings are your best bet. These leggings won't restrict your movement and allow you to perform at your best.

Remember, while performance is important, style matters too. Sullivan suggests choosing leggings in bold colors and fun patterns that reflect your personality. Feeling good in your leggings can be a great motivator to get out the door and log those miles. Your leggings should become like your favorite friend you can't wait to see.

Now that you know what to look for in running leggings and how to choose the right pair for your running style, let's dive into the 14 best expert-approved running leggings that are sure to become your new BFF.

Meta Description: Athleisure for lounging? Discover the top running leggings for your perfect fit. Find them now!

Keywords: athleisure for lounging, running leggings, perfect pair

Category: Athleisure

Tags: Athleisure lounging running

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